The Beloved Community

High Holy Day Experience

Authentically Jewish

Intentionally Interfaith

Together. Open. Live.

Thanks so much for

Joining us!

And Stay Tuned

for netx time we're together!

Rosh HaShanah: Monday, September 26

<<<<Watch Archived Service

Kol Nidre:

Tuesday, October 4

<<<<Watch Archived Service

Yom Kippur:

Wednesday, October 5

<<<<Watch Archived Service

What do we need now? To be together. To work together. Really, truly, deeply.

We need what Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King called “the Beloved Community,” an interfaith community committed to love for all human beings,

and dedicated to working together for a world of justice.

What better way, and what better time, to build that community than in our Jewish season of reflection and renewal?

And so this fall we will celebrate The Beloved Community High Holy Day Experience.

Open to all. Intentionally Together. Live and in person.

We will unite, Those from the Jewish Community with those of Other Faith Communities.

We will share what we have in common and respect what makes us each unique.

We will be Expansive and Inclusive.

Please sign up to join us, and please share widely so we can build the world we want to create.

Starting with the New Year. Starting with YOU.

with the leadership of

Rabbi Seth M. Limmer Rev. Otis J. Moss III REV. Shannon J. Kershner

Rev. Ciera Bates- Chamberlain Father Michal Pfleger Rev. Beth Brown

The Choirs and Ensembles of Trinity UCC…. And more

The Jewish High Holy Days,

Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur,

mark the annual time for

Renewal, Reflection, and Recommitment.

This year, to mark this important season, a team of interfaith leaders who have long collaborated in Chicago to build bridges are joining together to share this season. In an authentically Jewish and intentionally interfaith setting, we will come together for The Beloved Community High Holy Day Experience. We will celebrate what we have in common even as we respect our different perspectives and history. Led by Rabbi Seth M. Limmer of Open Judaism, and Reverend Otis J. Moss III of Trinity United Church of Christ, these special services will seek to united many different faith communities and highlight the voices of many of Chicago’s prominent faith leaders.

To Be Celebrated at

Trinity United Church of Christ

Chicago, 400 W. 95th Street